Since, we don't have a crystal ball, it is impossible to solutionoftech accurately, the future! This is especially true, when, it comes to economic issues, including investment, real estate, interest rates, inflationary pressures, government actions, international factors, etc. What are the ramifications of inflation, recession, interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank decisions, etc? How can one, hedge - his - bet, in order to minimize unnecessary risks, while receiving a quality return, also? There is no simple answer, because so many factors, have significant influences. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine and review potential factors, in order to help readers, have a more - complete understanding of the possibilities. 1) Interest rates: We have experienced a prolonged writingspot - low - interest rates. This has created easy money, because the cost of borrowing is so low. Both individuals and corporations have benefited, at least, in the i...